Posted byAnita Wright
Posted inMoney saving tips
DiscussionNo Comments on 8 quick ways to save cash for Christmas
TagsChristmas, Consumer Bargains, Coupons, coupons, Discount stores, money saving tips, Vouchers
8 quick ways to save cash for Christmas
So who better to give tips to save money before Christmas? As well as me, of course ;-), there are plenty of firms out there that earn money from saving consumers money.
I like these tips from money saving specialist Gareth Robinson who heads up www.discountvouchers.co.uk, a site that offers discount vouchers and impartial money saving advice. Here are his top 8 tips on how to save cash in time for Christmas Day, with of course, a few of my own comments.
1. Go online
Get into the mind-set that you don’t need to pay full price for anything. If you see something you want, note the brand, the name, the barcode – then get online and search until you find it online somewhere cheaper. You may find a free delivery code, or a …
Posted byAnita Wright
Posted inMoney saving tips
DiscussionNo Comments on Tips for saving with coupons and vouchers
TagsConsumer Bargains, Consumer Bargains, Coupons, coupons, Loyalty schemes and cards, money saving tips, Tips, Vouchers
Tips for saving with coupons and vouchers
I am a couponer I must admit. Not an extreme one though. You know the types that can get their shopping for £5 a week and have stacks of stuff that they didn’t really want just because it was free or cost next to nothing – that is too much effort for me.
I do however save coupons, look out for them in the post and in magazines, readily accept them when handed out around town and have no problem rummaging in my bag to save 20p off an item, get a bogof or some free loyalty points on a purchase.
Invariably I have some coupons floating around in my bag or purse at all times. I do cull them and remove the out of date ones. I also stick ones that are not really …