Posted byAnita Wright
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TagsConsumer Bargains, Discount stores, HomeSense, TK Maxx
My visit to HomeSense

Today I thought I’d check out HomeSense, a store that recently opened up here, but is part of a national chain.
Now HomeSense is part of the TJX family, which also owns TKMaxx, and there are definitely similarities.
I would say that if you want quirky, cool stuff for your home, this place fits the bill. I loved the selection of clocks above.
There are some well-known brands there. I saw Christy, Monsoon, Dartington, Royal Worcester and Sabatier.
I also saw some unknown to me brands from the US and Switzerland. After the programme, The Secret of the Discount Stores, I am a bit sceptical about brands at TJX stores, so my eagle eyes are open a little wider when I enter their stores.
There wasn’t as much furniture as I expected but a nice oak table (£299) and wine rack (£149)
There were a couple of things that made me laugh, like this £499 suit of armour.
And this silver salva:
There was a great selection of china cups including Portmerion and Royal Worcester cups. The cheapest were £2.99 each and seemed to average £4.99 per cup.
And these pretty plates have come from Prima Design, New York. Must admit, I haven’t heard of this make, but they look nice:
Finally, for the Hello Kitty fan, there are a bunch of lovely cheap £5 products:
I’d love to hear what you’ve found at this store, so do please share with me.
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