Posted byAnita Wright
Posted inHome, News
Discussion3 Comments on Free electric car charging point with ChargeatmyHouse
TagsCar, Consumer Bargains, House, Small Business Bargains
Free electric car charging point with ChargeatmyHouse
Just heard from Anthony at ParkatmyHouse about a new service called ChargeatmyHouse. ParkatmyHouse (the company that manages the rental of my drive and provided me with a free electric car charging point) has formed a new partnership with the UK Government and as a result of this partnership, they have over 100 electric vehicle charging points to give away for free (worth £1,500 each).
But I don’t have an electric car. Why would I want a charge point?
1. It’s worth over £1,500 and can add value to your home (installation is also completely free).
2. There are over 20 new “plug in” models being launched over the next 12 months from manufacturers such as BMW, Renault, VW, Toyota, Volvo, Ford and Mercedes. Charge more to electric car owners to park and charge on your …
Posted byAnita Wright
Posted inHome
Discussion6 Comments on Experiment – how to fill an empty house on the cheap
TagsConsumer Bargains, House, Household goods
Experiment – how to fill an empty house on the cheap
So my niece is just about to complete on a house and she has a plate, towel and a few other bits and bobs….not enough to fill our spare room!
She’s rented for the last 10 years so money is going to be mega tight at the beginning. I asked her to put together a list of everything she needs, and we are going to see if you guys can give us tips on how to get the bargain household items for the best price.
Some considerations
She doesn’t have a budget in mind and will be living on rice and lentils for the first few months. She isn’t keen on second hand stuff and likes quality……..(not too demanding then). She’s in Birmingham and wants space saving items as the house is very small.
Posted byAnita Wright
Posted inHome
Discussion1 Comment on Make money from your parking space and get a free electric car charging point
TagsCar, Consumer Bargains, drive, house, House, parking, Small Business Bargains
Make money from your parking space and get a free electric car charging point
When I lived in London, I had a drive and no car. The drive was used when friends popped round as there was restricted parking on the road.
We were right next to the tube. We have since moved and live in a busy town centre – about five minutes walk from the shops. The parking prices in both places are extortionate. Anyway, my nephew rents out his garage in London and makes a pretty packet every month, so I thought I’d investigate renting out my drive.
Lo and behold, there are companies that can help you make money from your parking spaces and manage the rental of your free parking spaces, so if you have an empty drive, allotted parking space or garage at your home or business, you can make money out of …
Posted byAnita Wright
Posted inHome
DiscussionNo Comments on Cleaning supplies and toiletries in wholesale sizes and prices delivered to your door
TagsCleaning, Consumer Bargains, Consumer Bargains, Health and beauty, House, Household goods, Small Business Bargains, Toiletries
Cleaning supplies and toiletries in wholesale sizes and prices delivered to your door
Now as well as a bargain, I love convenience, so when I found the HOME2HOME service on Facebook, I thought I’d give it a try.
Basically, it’s a closed group that provides “quality professional cleaning and toiletry products in wholesale sizes at household prices delivered free to your door.”
I am based in the Midlands, and I think that this group (currently with 2,400 members) may only deliver to the wider Midlands region, but there must be others like it around the country.
Anyway, you have to ask to join the group and once accepted, you will get their offers in your feed of cheap cleaning supplies and toiletries, and they will also send you a price list of items they have available at the time. These items range from shampoo, washing powder to stain …
Posted byAnita Wright
Posted inHome, Shops
DiscussionNo Comments on M&S furniture and John Lewis curtains at a snip
TagsConsumer Bargains, House, Household goods
M&S furniture and John Lewis curtains at a snip
We overspent when buying our first house, so needed to scrimp on furniture.
Quality was the name of the game, but doesn’t quality cost?
I had wondered around Habitat (sadly no more) and Heal’s and the furniture was gorgeous, but just too expensive, though we had to have the square extendable table (at full price!).
I decided to go high street and M&S was my first port of call.
The Abbey sofas and Sonoma dining table set were just right. I got in touch with M&S and asked if they had any furniture discount or outlet stores and they told me about Bucks Furniture warehouse in Deptford and another place in north Wales. Sadly the Bucks I knew is no more!
Now Bucks just happened to be a few miles away from our new home, …
Posted byAnita Wright
Posted inHome
DiscussionNo Comments on Sainbury’s 12 piece dinner sets at £10 – when to buy for this saving
TagsConsumer Bargains, crockery, home, Household goods, Plates
Sainbury’s 12 piece dinner sets at £10 – when to buy for this saving
While I have a beautiful Denby set gifted at my wedding many moons ago, I am rather like most of my friends, too scared to use it every day. It’s too heavy for the kids and the replacement cost makes my eyes water.
I ended up with some nice Whittards plates, then got married and got some other random plates, but never more than four of each plate, bowl or cup.
As a grown up, I decided that I needed to bite the bullet and buy a matching set. I looked at Corelle, thinking unbreakable and long lasting, but I would need to import and even the cheapest sets were around £50 for 16 pieces, so with spares, I was looking at over £100.
M&S and John Lewis, while selling gorgeous dinner sets were still …