Impartial free beauty and hair advice

You know that feeling of dread when you walk up to a makeup counter in a department store or even Boots, and accept that you will be sold at. It’s like when you have walked up to Clinique or Estee Lauder counter and you will be told the virtues of only their products, whether they are just right for you or not.
So imagine my delight when I asked London Beauty Queen on Twitter about some beauty product advice. She told me to head over to Tesco for free 20 minute online beauty consultation with her. Well I did just that.
I booked a free online beauty consultation with a top beauty blogger and then because I got so much out of it, I had another one! During the consultations the experts do not try to sell you ANYTHING. They are impartial, objective, friendly and focused on you, rather than selling products.
There were originally 11 experts to book from, though one is as of today fully booked. I chose Hayley Carr (London Beauty Queen) and also Beauty Passionista Ambarina Hasan.
I booked my session online by signing up (really easy process) and scheduling a time. I had to have Google Hangouts, a camera and a microphone so that I could hear and speak to the consultant. If you don’t have a Google account, no worries, Tesco gives handy tips on how to get one.
Both my sessions were great. I am concerned about pores, dark circles and general skin sagging. The beauty consultants recommended among other things serums to improve texture, cleansing balms to hydrate my skin whilst cleansing and contouring powders. Both recommended facial exercises and the sessions were really fun and informative.
I have religiously applied serum and got a Suti cleansing balm for mothers day and I can honestly say that the sessions were invaluable to my skin looks great….I may even book a hair one over the next few weeks.
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