Bargain cat and dog gift ideas?

I have friends with pets and was looking around for ideas, so here are two, one for a cat and another for a dog. I got my pet loving friends to try them out:
Neater Scooper – a sanitary not cheap solution
Cleaning cat litter trays is an unpleasant but necessary job if you have cats, so this sounded like a nice, new sanitary method.
The solution, Neater Scooper from QVC, is a three in one system for scooping up waste from your cat’s litter tray, sifting it out from the litter without the usual dust cloud and then transferring it to an perfumed bag-lined receptacle for binning.
It is simple to use – just scoop up the cat poop and the litter sifts through the slats in the forked end, removing the waste from the litter itself. You just have to tip the fork up upwards, towards yourself, to open the selling point of this solution – the trap door for the waste to fall through into the open perfumed bag, which is great for reducing the rotten smells normally associated with the kitty litter cleaning task.
You then just remove the bin lining from the outer scooper, close up the bag using the tie handles and dump the bag of cat waste outside in the rubbish bin.
A great gift solution to an unpleasant but necessary job if you have cats. QVC has it with 75 bags for £18.50.
DUERRS Peamutt Butter For Dogs 340g
Peanut Butter is a good source of protein for us humans so the good folks at Duerr & Sons – a manufacturer of jams, marmalades, peanut butter and other condiments – have gone one step further by making a doggy-peanut butter, named Peamutt Butter.
Described by Duerr as a delicious dog treat made in Britain, Peamutt Butter is not only a good source of protein for your dog, packed with lots of heart healthy fats (not the bad ones), it also contains a number of vitamins, including B, niacin and E to give your dog a tasty treat that is also good for his heart. All it contains are 97.5% roasted peanuts and palm oil – so your dog’s coat will be kept healthy and shiny through eating this treat.
We obviously couldn’t taste test this ourselves but after giving it to a friend who has a dog, we are convinced that this tasty treat is a good one as the dog in question ate a spoonful of it all in one go and kept pawing at the tub for more. And priced at £3.99 it won’t break the bank. It looks and smells exactly like peanut butter as essentially it’s made up of just roasted peanuts, so if you’re a peanut butter fan, your dog may also be so can join you in having it for breakfast.
And if you just love cats, please take a look at this great site run by my friend Niccy:
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