Recycling in the bathroom – low cost bin idea from John Lewis – £5

While I religiously recycle in the kitchen, all my good intentions go to pot in the bathroom.
So I decided to get recycling upstairs too. Only issue is who has space for a recycling bin in the bathroom – you know one of those metal two or three bucket bin in the bathroom? And frankly, they look rather unattractive too.
Now in the kitchen I had my three compartment recycling bin and my normal bin, and this was overkill, so I changed to two of the same bin and we recycle in one and rest of the waste goes in the other.
I wanted to replicate this upstairs by buying two of the same bin, this time in white or perspex. Specifically I wanted square bins to leave no gaps like round, oval or other shape bins.
I thought about just getting containers of some sort, but couldn’t find any I liked, so in the end I plumped for these square Perspex bins from John Lewis at £5 each. The reviews were good, citing that they would go with any decor as the most popular comment. I couldn’t find them in store, so ordered online and paid £2 for Click and Collect, still £12 for two attractive bins, is a great price.
While I don’t mind having an open bathroom bin, If you want a bin with a lid, second choices for me came from Next, M&S and Dunhelm Mill, but started at from the £15 mark per bin!
I feel much happier now that I can recycle upstairs as well as down.
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