Security light ideas – solar and timers

Recently, we’ve had a spate of attempted burglaries nearby and decided that we wanted to bolster our defences. Lights are always a powerful tool, whether as a deterrent or to light up the dark passage down the side of your house or your front door.
However, wiring in lights is a nuisance and then the energy that they use may be pennies but it soon mounts up. So I decided to look at some solar security lights and a light switch timer to save money while being green, and here is my feedback.
The Curve Solar Motion Light
12LED PIR Solar Security Light
This light is bigger and is a lot more visible to visitors – unwanted or not. It has a 2 meter motion sensor detection range and the solar panel recharges the batteries. It was super easy to install, and the fixings and 3 x AA NiMh rechargeable batteries included (1000mAh). You can buy these types of light on Amazon, and similar lights range from £7 – £25, so it’s a good deal if you want to install a few of them.
The ECO Wedge Solar Motion Welcome Light
We love the £17.99 welcome light from The Solar Centre again. 4 natural white SMD bulbs illuminate as soon as motion is detected and turn off automatically after motion stops. It takes up to three days to charge itself but the light is strong and bright. It’s stylish and small, not like those monstrous flood light type of security lights!
Light switch timer
As well as solar lights, we tried out a new light switch timer. This one by SwitchedOnProducts is the first timer which simply fits over any standard light switch on the wall and requires no wiring to install. You can now easily program your main home lights to come on and go off when you’re not home – perfect if you are out late or away. Its’s also great for security, as you can move it around easily. It could also be a lower cost version of smart home lighting! In the winter, you could time your lights to go on just as you come in, which is cool if you are like us and have to walk 6 meters to the first light switch! You can see a 30 second demo here. The products has been accredited by the police and recently won Insight DIYs Gold award for best new security product 2015. Buy it here for £29.99.
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