Lidl vs Aldi in school uniform wars

Lidl is currently running a school uniform TV campaign where some of its items are £1! Today, Aldi and Lidl have undercut Asda, previously the cheapest supplier of school uniforms, by more than £3.
The German discount supermarkets Lidl and Aldi are in the middle of a school uniform price war, with each discounter offering an entire outfit for less than £4.
Lidl is offering four primary school essentials – two polo shirts, a jumper and trousers or pleated skirt – for £3.75 from today.
While Aldi slashed its earlier offer of £4 for its Back to School uniform to just £3.69.
The moves undercut other high street retailers by as much as 80%.
Tony Baines, managing director for corporate buying at Aldi, said: “In order to deliver outstanding quality at unbeatable prices, we have reduced the retail price of our Back to School uniform package from £4 to £3.69.”
Lidl said its collection which offers 41 items and including 100% cotton fabrics and real leather shoes – could save families with two children up to £2,854 over their entire primary school time. At John Lewis, for example, the same items cost £19, at Marks & Spencer they are £15, Sainsbury’s £13.50, Tesco £8.50 and at Asda £7.50.
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