5 ways to save money on energy bills while you’re away

Don’t pay for utilities (energy) that you aren’t using while you’re on holiday. While some of us have been on holiday, others are yet to go. Whether you will be in another country, off to a festival or even a staycation in the UK, here are some tips to reduce energy consumption while you’re away.
Now you know that I don’t have much time, with a full time job, kids, household to run, so why reinvent the wheel? I found these great tips from home efficiency experts Zenith Home. Making these small changes will ensure your bills are at a minimum when you are out and about on holiday.
1. Give your fridge a break too
Your fridge is most energy efficient when it is stocked up but for most of us, prior to going away, we empty out the fridge to avoid any unpleasant surprises when we return. Before going away place jugs and bowls of water inside your fridge to fill it out and turn down the setting slightly to raise the temperature. For those going away for a longer period of time, make the most of your fridge being empty and give it a good clean before you go then switch off. Either of these methods will make your fridge far more energy efficient when you are away.
2. Turn the boiler down
With the lovely summer weather continuing and another heat wave on the cards for this month, heating is completely unnecessary. However, your boiler is still being used to provide hot water so make sure that you turn it right down before you go away so energy is not wasted heating up the water.
3. Unplug everything
Make sure you unplug EVERYTHING before you leave the house and don’t leave anything on standby as this still uses energy. Double check each room in the house before you lock up and make sure bigger appliances such as the TV, washing machines and dishwashers are switched off as well as the hair straighteners!
4. Draw your blinds and curtains
Drawing your curtains and closing your blinds is a great way to save energy keeping your home cool whilst you are away and prevents a hot, sticky house when you return. It will also keep out any nosey neighbours too!
5. Invest in a timer
It is tempting to leave lamps on when you go away to give the impression that the house is not empty. Investing in a timer is a much more energy efficient way to deter any intruders as you can set certain lamps to come on at particular times of the day or night. Having lamps come on for an hour or so each evening will save far more energy and money on your bills than leaving on for the entire time you are away.
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