Save money with automatic updates on cheaper tariffs and contract end dates

Want one tool to give you an overview of your spending, important renewal dates and cheaper tariffs? For your gas, electric, internet, TV, landline and mobile phone bills, Onedox could be the answer.
Onedox keeps bill information up-to-date in one place, and sends you alerts to let you know when your contract term is up and that you should consider switching tariff to save money.
I started using Onedox recently, and was immediately impressed that it knew when my MOT was going to run out and also my road tax. I was also chuffed to learn that my EE contract is coming to the end of its minimum term in a few weeks, and I should be looking for a cheaper tariff with my existing provider at least.
The Onedox interface provides access to all of your household account information and bills in one encrypted web-based account.
You can set it up to send you regular email updates (I am getting them daily) to let you know when new activity has taken place or when you can save money based on individual usage. I must admit, I only check paper bills, and it is very hard to remember all renewal dates or when my contract leaves any cheap period and I then am charged a standard (higher) fee.
Onedox aims to make it easier for people with less time to save money, by automatically letting them know whenever they aren’t on the best deals, and providing a simple means of switching.
A Onedox account is free, and you add individual services one by one. I added my car, phone, TV and Internet. They didn’t have my energy firm to start with, but I submitted a request for it to be added.
To add an account to Onedox, you need to provide your online user name and password. For your car, just provide the make and car registration number.
Once your household accounts are added, Onedox will then automatically fetch and collate information relating to them from your supplier (or the DVLA in the case of your car). The information collection is done continuously so that your Onedox account is kept up to date with all the latest figures, dates and reminders.
The graphs are really interesting and you get a visual on your spending, and you can easily see full bills too.
On an regular basis, Onedox compares your current payments with deals available from other suppliers. Where Onedox identifies you can save money, they will email you to let you know that you have an action to take care of to keep your account in good health.
The service also takes you through a really simple process of switching to a better deal of your choice.
If you decide to switch to a better deal through Onedox, they may receive a commission from the supplier you switch to. This money is used to cover costs and to enable the Onedox team to provide their service for free.
In summary, the service is FREE, useful as it gives an overview of current bills and crucially recommends ways to save money!
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