Cheaper way to get new glasses

Finding cheaper specs is important, especially when you consider how expensive they are.
I started wearing glasses about two years ago and bought two designer pairs from Vision Express at almost £300. Then I went to specialists as I trusted the name, but when I went with my son to get his eyes tested recently, I asked about replacing the lenses on my glasses, and they said no! I headed to Tesco, where I got a free eye test, and asked them if they would replace the lenses of my gorgeous designer glasses, and they said no.
So I’ve done some digging and this is how to get cheaper glasses:
1. See if you are entitled to NHS Optical vouchers
My kids are entitled to them and you may be entitled to them if you are on income support or have an NHS certificate. With it you get help with the cost of glasses. My kids NHS glasses are free and we get an eye check every year.
2. Head to independent smaller opticians
These guys are much more flexible and new lenses with protective coatings are available for less than £40.
3. Go abroad
People in every country wear glasses and prescriptions are pretty universal. Are you heading to a country where the cost of living is much cheaper? My neighbour went to India to visit family and I got her to take a pair of my glasses and my prescription with her. She brought me back my glasses with new lenses for £15!
4. Send your specs away
There are several online companies that are offering a service, where you send them your specs, fill in details about your prescription and they send back the “new glasses” – some firms are lensesinglasses, Glasses Direct and Direct Insight.
5. Pound shop and under £5 glasses
As long as you have a fairly normal prescription and need glasses for reading only, you can try out the pound shops and aisles in many supermarkets that offer reading glasses.
6. Join the club – first subscription-based prescription glasses retailer
My Glasses Club is the world’s first subscription-based prescription glasses retailer, offering an exciting way of purchasing glasses from premium fashion brands such as Jimmy Choo and Vivienne Westwood without breaking the bank. With four different price points starting from as little as 99p per month, members can get a new pair of prescription glasses or sunglasses every six months from the retailer’s range; delivered straight to their door in just five days. They’re also entitled to free reglazes covering them against damage or if their prescription changes!
7. Buy designer frames on eBay
Hopefully you’ll find some fashion conscious person has got bored of their glasses and wants a new pair. Designer glasses are avaliable on eBay and once they are reglazed, who would know that they weren’t full price?
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