Does Aldi sell premium wine?

I’m a big wine fan and, although I am more partial to a juicy robust red, I can drink both white and red wine equally. So, when Aldi introduced ‘The Exquisite Collection’, a premium range of wines at far from premium prices, I was happy to try one of each.
The white wine I tried was the Gavi, priced at £5.49 (75cl). Produced from the Cortese grapes grown around the town of Gavi in Italy – hence its name – this wine is described as “refreshing and aromatic boasting flavours of tangy lemon, weighty fruit and subtle waxy nuttiness”.
I found it to be as sharp and fruity as promised with a lovely subtle nutty flavoured finish that I really enjoyed – similar to sweet almond, rather than peanut. The initial two sips of this wine were fairly acidic and lemony but the third sip onwards revealed the nutty flavour which became a favoured taste for me over the dinner – spaghetti carbonara.
I enjoyed this Italian white wine alongside a creamy pasta but you could also have a glass with risotto or light antipasti snacks such as olives, meats, bread, cheese and biscuits or fresh fruit.
The red wine I tried was Limestone Coast Cabernet Sauvignon – one of the more expensive wines of this range, costing £6.49 (75cl). The notes on the back of the bottle said it was a “dark, juicy fruit laden with powerful yet elegantly structured blackcurrants and back plums”, which I agreed with.
It did also have a nice mocha taste which gave it more depth than first anticipated however the intense eucalyptus finish totally ruined this wine for me as it left my mouth dry and bitter. Anyone drinking this red should stick to the usual accompaniments of red meat dishes, including steak and duck. I enjoyed it with a rich tomato Bolognese.
So in answer to my question above – white or red – in this particular instance, I would have selected white but thanks to Aldi’s range offering more than just these two and all priced from just £5.29, you can try every one of the red and white collections and decide for yourself.
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