Grab your free Family Railcard

Today I’ve applied for a free 2-month Family Railcard (and code for £10 off (valid 14 July – 14 August) a year’s card, which is normally £30).
As there seems to be a lot of demand after applying, I got this message: “we will endeavour to get your Railcard (aka Family & Friends Railcard) to you by 31st May 2014.” The card will be valid until 31st July and allows you to save a third on adult fares and 60% on child fares.
So who is eligible and some facts
If you are travelling with a child who is aged 5 -15, get applying! Up to four adults and four kids can travel on one Railcard – and they don’t even need to be related.
I have my name and Mr BH’s as you can have two adults named on your Family Railcard allowing either adult to carry the card and get a discount.
All kids under five travel free – and each adult may take up to two ‘under fives’ with them. However, if the only child in the group is under five, travellers need to purchase a discounted child ticket to qualify for the adult Railcard discount. All child fares are subject to a £1 minimum fare.
If you decide to buy the card, if your child turns 16 during the validity period of the 1-year Family Railcard, they will still be entitled to travel at the discounted child fare. This lasts for as long as your 1-year Family Railcard is valid.
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