Poundland and Aldi prices in Morrisons and Tesco’s

Our Morrisons is having a major revamp and it’s part of a bigger drive to cut prices for consumers.
I recently asked if Morrisons could really take on Aldi and Lidl in terms of pricing. Well, let’s just say, they’re having a good go at it.
On 1 May, Morrisons pledged to cut the price of 1,200 products by an average of 17pc. I saw evidence of this today in my shop, with a firm favourite Jammie Dodgers down to 49p from over a £1.09. This price matches Aldi’s.
Looks like Morrisons is banking on the price cuts to encourage shoppers to spend more at the shop and less at Aldi and Lidl. Now I would welcome that as I would be able to get everything in one place and prefer Morrisons products sometimes.
The price cuts are accompanied by a new advertising campaign titled “I’m your new cheaper Morrisons”. Sample price cuts are below:
While down the road at Tesco they are rolling out hundreds of new “pound shop” areas to its biggest stores as it takes aim at the likes of Poundland. Once the initial roll out is done, 300 stores should benefit from the cuts.
Products will be sold for as little as 50p, such as non-food products including washing up liquid, detergents, kitchen tissues, health & beauty products and petfood.
This is great news for all of us who shop at either supermarket as the rise in food prices has been tough over the last couple of years.
Let me know what you think in the comments below.
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