easyFoodstore takes on Aldi, Poundland and Lidl – everything 25p intro offer
There’s a new discount store on the block. Founded by Stelios Haji-Ioannou, the brains behind easyJet, it will offer basic items, such as sugar, tea and sardines at ‘rock-bottom prices’.
As a fan of Poundland and Aldi, I am intrigued by the 25p grocer easyFoodstore. Launched in London only at the mo, the shelves are stacked with dried pasta, rice and tins. 
The shops offers a range of basic items at ‘rock-bottom prices’, with an introductory promotion this month of just 25p for everything – including sugar, tea, sardines, tomato ketchup, peach slices and Jaffa Cakes.
There are no branded products and the store says that it offers ‘No expensive brands, just food honestly priced’. The 25p shop is part of a promotional month, but after that bosses say they could rise to around 50p! That means a weekly shop for staples could come in at less than a fiver, and if you can survive on tinned and packet food, you could feed your family of four for around £15 for a week.
Apparently Stelios was inspired by food banks: ‘With food banks you usually have to prove you are on benefits. But once you come off benefits, you won’t be able to use food banks but you will still have to feed yourself.” While the margins are small, this is still a business, so the firm is hoping for volume sales, which I think they will get at those prices.
Here’s a full list of items in the store:

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