Posted byAnita Wright
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TagsConsumer Bargains, Discount stores, Poundland
Online pound shop on its way – Poundshop.com

I read with excitement this news about Poundland’s co-founder Steve Smith announcing his plans to launch the UK’s first online single price retailer. Basically bringing a pound shop online, is another convenient way to bag a bargain.
Poundshop.com will launch in the next 3 to 6 months, with a minimum order value of around £20 with a delivery charge on top (around £3), although the exact amount is yet to be decided. Smith justified the delivery cost as he pointed out that shoppers pay to get into town and parking.
There are rumours that Smith is working with discount retailer Poundworld to bring products from its stores to consumers and wholesalers online.
He told Retail Week magazine that he could keep his cost base low by securing good deals and will pass the savings on to shoppers.
Looks like Smith is going to stick with his Midlands base for the warehouse. They may even offer click-and-collect model through partnerships with other retailers and shopping centres.
Poundshop.com has already launched a successful trial in London, so hopefully we’ll all be able to try it soon.
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