Timpsons helps out jobless with clean suits

Timpson is still offering to dry clean suits for unemployed people for nothing. This is an awesome idea as suit cleaning is around £10, which is a lot if you only get just over £50 job seekers allowance.
I normally head to Timpsons for key-cutting and shoe repairs, but was reminded of their offer as I headed into town a couple of days ago. They had a sandwich board up outside saying: “If you are unemployed and need an outfit cleaned for an interview, we will clean it for free.”
The offer has been around since January 2015, but a friend whose hubby is unemployed didn’t know about it, so I want to remind you all about it again.
Timpson, which started in Manchester in 1865 and now has 1,395 stores around the UK, is not asking people to prove they are unemployed to get the free drycleaning.
The idea has already been tried in the US. Plaza, a dry cleaning firm in Portland, Oregon, has been offering free services for the unemployed ahead of job interviews since 2010.
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